Publication Fee

MathApplication Journal APC Discount Announcement

Special Publication Offer for New Researchers and Scholars from Developing Countries

MathApplication Journal: Article Processing Charge (APC) Discount Announcement

We are excited to share a special offer that aims to support the growth and diversity of research in the field of mathematics and its applications. At MathApplication Journal, we understand the challenges faced by emerging researchers and scholars from developing countries in accessing publication opportunities. In line with our commitment to inclusive and global research dissemination, we are offering a significant discount on our Article Processing Charges (APC).

Standard APC: GBP 2,000.

Discount Offer: 50% off the standard APC.


  • Early-career researchers publishing their first paper.
  • Researchers based in third-world or economically disadvantaged countries.

This initiative is designed to lower the financial barriers to publication, enabling a broader range of mathematicians and scholars to contribute their valuable work to the global scientific discourse.

For detailed information on eligibility criteria and how to take advantage of this offer, please visit our website or contact our editorial office.

We are committed to supporting the diverse and dynamic voices within the mathematical community and look forward to receiving your submissions.